Sorrel Silhouettes 2003
Sorrel Silhouettes Drill Team
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Sorrel Silhouettes 2003
 The ladies of the Sorrel Silhouettes took another year off as we still do not have enough riders to put on a good performance.
There was a welcome addition to the group. Holly one of our faithful riders had twin girls in April.  Congratulations Holly!
The group still holds their annual Halloween and Christmas Parties. This years Halloween costumes consisted of a couple of witches, Betty Rubble, a samurai, a modern cowgirl and a sorceress.
We always have a great time every week during the ladies ride night, even if we aren't practicing our ride. It is fun to just get out and visit with our horses and each other.

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Sorrel Silhouettes 2003
Sorrel Silhouettes 2002
Sorrel Silhouettes 2001