Sorrel Silhouettes 2001
Sorrel Silhouettes Drill Team
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Sorrel Silhouettes 2001
 2001 was a year of changes for the Sorrel Silhouettes.  The group decided to edit their ride for a six rider performance instead of an eight rider performance, Though everyone was not entirely happy with the changes to begin with the group came together and persevered.  They were able to put on several performances of their newly revised ride in the late summer and early fall.  The Sorrel Silhouettes also received a new banner, thanks to Lana, The sister and aunt of two of the Silhouettes.  The Sorrel Silhouettes performed at the annual Al Azhar Mounted Patrol Captain's Party, as well as riding at a family  picnic.  In lieu of payment for their performance the Sorrel Silhouettes requested that a donation be made to the Shriner's Children's Hospitals.

In 2001 we temporarily lost one regular member with a broken foot, Cheryl and gained two young ladies, Sara and Janetta who  were willing to help the group out in their time of need.  The active ride members for 2001 included: Cheryl Lyn (carried the banner and rode with a broken foot), her daughter Jill, Tisha, Pam (Flag), and her daughter Sara (Flag) Holly, Kathleen, and her daughter Janetta , Nicole, and her mother Pat Shepherd, and Judy.  

 Although their were many changes to the ride, the friendships within the group seem to grow stronger each year.  The group continues to meet every Thursday night.  No matter what the weather you can usually find some of the ladies out riding their horses.  The Sorrel Silhouettes held their annual Halloween party.  This year costumes included a Nun, a Priest, Frankenstein, a Spanish Widow, a Mexican Bandit, a Wizard, and Cleopatra.  The Sorrel Silhouettes also Hosted their own Murder Mystery Party and Scavenger Hunt.  This event was extremely fun and enjoyable.  The Sorrels also hosted their annual Christmas party, where they rode to Christmas carols and had to brush up on their Christmas trivia as they were given a quiz and prizes were handed out.  All in all it was a fun filled year full of changes and improvements.  The Sorrel Silhouettes look forward to working together in the new year and trying to further improve their drill and challenge themselves as riders.

Sorrel Silhouettes 2003
Sorrel Silhouettes 2002
Sorrel Silhouettes 2001